SKU: HV5902

Adapter kit. Can replace OEM adapter plate 9613790. HV5902 kit features a plate with three ports: (1) pressure port, (1) power-beyond port and (1) return port. All ports 3/4 inch - 16 ORB. Use with a remote valve that has power beyond. Good for applications where valve might incurr shockloads, like loaders. Shock is directed to the tank preventing damage to the rest of the system.  Kit contains adapter plate, o-rings, mounting bolts, plugs, and instructions. For models with single-pump hydraulic system. Tractors: 500-900 (1955-1960), 2000, 4000 (USA-1964), 2000-5000 (1965-1975), 2600-6600 (1975-1981). Industrials: 230-545. Not for AG 10 series, 5900 produced after April 1986, or industrial C- or D- series tractors. Contains: 1-721FSO-1/2 hyd adaptor, 1-HV5901 adaptor plate, 1-PP1/4 pipe plug, 2-9-OR o-ring, 5-11-OR o-ring, 1-223-OR o-ring, 2-HV4908 bolt, 2-HV4909 bolt, 2-7/16-14X3-3/4 capscrew, 1-HV4903 bolt, 3-60UB-08X08 HSA23 adaptor.
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